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Small Business Saturday - Caishen, Chinese God of Wealth

The Saturday following Thanksgiving in the United States is known as Small Business Saturday. This is in answer to Black Friday which has been taken over by Big Business in hopes to keep local shops in the game for Christmas.

A popular figurine in business is the Chinese God of Wealth, Caishen (aka Ts’ai Shen). He isn't just worried about your financial wealth though. He cares about your inner wealth too.

Caishen is often depicted with a yuanbao (a boat shaped tool that turns iron into gold) and he takes an important role in the Chinese New Year, riding on a black tiger and carry a golden rod he descends from the heavens to check on his followers. Caishen then reports back on you so if you want to sweeten his words, best to put honey on a depiction of him before burn it.

And to think, he started off as a mortal named Zhou.
